公司介绍杭州桐庐雪华笔业有限公司是一家集设计、制造、销售成一体,以生产文具,中性笔,广告笔为主的制造企业。建厂已有多年历史,有着丰富的制笔经验。 公司在拥有中国"制笔之乡”美称的桐庐分水设有工厂,拥有一批专业的模具设计、制作技术力量和专业的所属产品的设计生产、开发能力;同时承接国内外客户来样,以及客户特殊要求的产品设计和定制模具并按照来样所要求的产品规格、品质进行批量生产。 望各新老客户来电来函洽谈,共创制笔大业!Hangzhou Tonglu XueHua pen manufactory co..Ltd. is a stationery manufacturing firm which contains designing, manufacturing, selling as a body, it makes advertisement pen primarily. This factory has already founded many years, and has abundant experience in selling pens.The corporation has a factory in Fenshui town in Tongluwhich has a laudatory name “The township of making pens”, it has one batch of specialized mold designing, the manufacture technical force and the specialized respe...