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首页 > 供应产品 > 水晶奖杯刻字·水晶奖杯刻字价格-水晶奖杯刻字公司·上海刻字
产品: 浏览次数:947水晶奖杯刻字·水晶奖杯刻字价格-水晶奖杯刻字公司·上海刻字 
品牌: [db:产品品牌]
表面工艺: 抛光
材质: 木雕
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 个
供货总量: 1 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-30 16:43
表面工艺 抛光
材质 木雕
产地 上海
类别 摆件
造型 摆件
使用场合 办公
送礼对象 商务
是否提供加工定制 可以
产品编号 01
制作方法 雕刻
雕刻工艺 激光
品牌 日朗
适用场景 办公场所

Shanghai Day Lang Carving Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, is a wooden handicrafts, medals, trophies, chopsticks, industry panels, organic product design R & D marketing, and laser processing for the integrated enterprise. Because of the diversified development of modern industry, coupled with the advantages of laser processing specificity, laser engraving in the use of all walks of life and more extensive and in-depth. The spirit of "better customer service" principle, on Long After carving the long-term production practices and markets on the basis of temper is an extraordinarily bright luster glow, showing a strong vitality and competitiveness. 
  Sculpture "Imagine" is the imagination, creativity and power of the symbol of vision. All successful enterprises, both to improve the products of developing countries, or to help humanity, an ideal start to see what could be the possibility of process. In the Visionary Award, and encourages us to continue his dream become a reality. 
Our team members can also be "a little bit of fantasy, he said:" The whole identification scheme to the use of micro-imagine the prize. Understanding of different sizes and metal finishes service and outstanding performance each year, further enriching the imagination as a corporate logo. Although the design is expected to award a unique vision and our team members, similar programs can be created for you. Such a procedure, improve your corporate image and provide a real value to an exclusive prize. 

Contact your sales representative 021-54243050, see if you can easily create an art award scheme. From the huge outdoor sculptures and signs, in order to reduce the size of the room suitable desktop, we can help you create your own brand and corporate pride.主营:奖牌;木制工艺品;橡木酒桶;激光雕刻加工;金属奖杯;木制奖牌



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