公司介绍广州市恒音电子有限公司于2011年2月在中国广东省广州市注册成立,是一家专业喇叭开发销售的公司。主要从事专业高音和低音喇叭的开发、设计和制造。经过公司的不懈努力,现有多个系列产品已经成熟量产和销售。本公司宗旨是”诚信立足、创新致远”。建立健全了严格的质量检验标准。以确保产品的品质。同时还建立了完善的售后服务体系。我们相信,通过我们的不断努力和追求,一定能够实现与合作伙伴的互利共赢。Company profileGuangzhou Hengyin Electronics Co.Ltd ,established in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province,China in February 2011.,is a company specializing in development and sales of horn and mainly engaged in the professional design and manufacture of tweeter and woofer. Series of our products have been in mass production and launched to the market after the company's years of tireless endeavour. Credibility and innovation are the cornerstones of the company.In order to ensure product quality,our company established a...